Here's a good example, as I was poking around MSNBC, this stunning quote came up:
BeyoncĂ© Knowles says that one of the most important people in her life was her late uncle, who was gay. “I was raised by my uncle who passed away with AIDS a couple of years ago,” the “Dreamgirls” star said, according to WENN. “He was my mother’s best friend. He brought me to school every day. He helped me buy my prom dress. He made my clothes with my mother. He was like my nanny. He was my favorite person in the whole world.” Knowles says that her affection for her uncle didn’t conflict with her deep religious views: “I never mixed Christianity with how I felt (about him). I am about faith and spirituality more so than religion. Doing right by others and not judging.”
Now, don't get me wrong, there is definitely a point where we need to look at the person, and not the sin that they are living in. But does that make black and whiter? When you think about the consequences of that statement, it suddenly becomes clear why Christians look no different than the secular world. One of the most famous 'Christians' in the music business has given up the definite word of the Bible, to instead say, "It's ok. As long as they are a nice person, who am I to say what they are doing is wrong?" It's a scary world.
cousin Stevey, deano here. Interesting blog dude. I think you may be sitting in BS (bible school) a little to much. Just did a devotional at a school today on Matthew 25 (the end part about judgement) and... I think your preaching North American christianity instead of the other thingy. I think (in my humble but accurate opinion) that God is more concerned with us following His ways than us making sure others are doing the same. Just my thoughts.
Cheers cous
Hey Deano!
Long time no chat! Wouldn't mind getting an e-mail from you! I definitely hear what you're saying about needing to worry first about our own lives, because that is what we are responsible for.
If I can't trust my own feet, I have no right to be worrying about someone else's. But my question would be, is there not a point in time where we are responsible for those that are around us? Jesus talks about the added responsibility for teachers, and I find myself in that position for sure.
I look at it this way: my job is to speak the words that God gives me to speak, not to change their lives. The words I speak should also be true for me... otherwise I shouldn't be speaking them. Therefore, it's a circular cycle... God > Myself > others > God.
Make sense? I'd love to talk more about it!
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