Monday, March 12, 2007


Perhaps you read that title, and you wonder what is about to come out of thoughts. Perhaps it will be words of malice, or of frustration. Maybe it will only serve to further build my case and indisputably prove to you about how bad off I have it. Boy, have I got you fooled.

All of you, is more than enough for
All of me, for every thirsty and every need
You satisfy me, with Your love
And all I have in You, is more than enough

You are my supply, my breathe of life;
Still more awesome than I know....
You are my reward, worth living for;
Still more awesome than I know!

Cause all of you, is more than enough for
All of me, for every thirst and every need.
You satisfy me, with your love
And all I have in You, is more than enough.

You’re my sacrifice of greatest price;
Still more awesome than I know!
You’re my coming king, You’re everything;
Still more awesome than I know!

All of you, is more than enough for
All of me, for every thirsty and every need.
You satisfy me, with your love,
And all I have in You, is more than enough.

You’re enough... You’re enough, You’re enough for me.

Enough. The honest truth is that I am resigned to only one thing, and that’s God’s will. And part of learning to follow after that will is learning to have peace with whatever decision He comes to... or the time He leaves you to wait for that answer. I will trust that no matter how long He makes me wait, He will continue to use me in very specific, special kinds of ways.

So I resign myself the knowledge that I am exactly where God wants me to be, doing what He wants me to do, because I am seeking that out diligently. I will have those conversations that God brings my way, I will throw myself into whatever task He leaves me without hesitation. I will give it my all, because this energy does not come from me... but from Him.

A good example of one of these conversations happened last night. After the service, I managed to catch a bus down to the Tanoa (an adventure all on its own, let me tell you!) because they have a buffet with roast beef, lamb and pork. And since I know the manager (wink wink) I get a discounted (read: reasonable) price for it all.

Many of the pilots were there as well, having arrived quite a bit earlier than I. So I joined them mid-meal. Now, you have to understand something about this particular group of people. Reformed Christians they are not, nor would I expect them to be. But they most definitely are strong personalities, and good times are to be usually had. Just watch out for the occasional detour into the gutters, as the conversation has a tendency to steer its way there.

If these people are never going to darken the doors of a church... my first question is why. The second is how come we aren’t going to them? What would a church look like that would actually meet these people where they are at? You know the type. Alcohol is readily consumed. Sex is something to be enjoyed freely. And as long as you can forget about your misery, everything is dandy. To me, that screams Jesus. To them, Jesus is a curse word.

Opportunities, and the reminder that God is more than enough.

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