Sunday, November 20, 2005

Lots to write about

Wow... what a weekend. Where to start. Right, the beginning. Let's start at the beginning.

Friday was sort of a hodge-podge of a day. In the morning I didn't have much to do, and wasn't expecting much to do in the afternoon, but as we looked at DISH (Digital Image Scavenger Hunt) that night, it seemed like we were going to need a camera, and I needed to run into Red Deer to exchange a fender part for my Jetta. So rather than asking Bethany to head in with me Saturday morning (which I found out she wouldn't be able to go) we went in Friday afternoon.

After dinner, we booted it back to Three Hills, and I dropped her off pretty much RIGHT at 7. When I pulled up to the church, Kevin was on the phone... calling... ME! We had a great night at DISH. Nothing like fairy tales, camera's and a bunch of youth running around town to excite things! Pictures early this week when I get them!

Saturday consisted of me slacking off. It was good times. About noonish, I got ahold of Jon, and we drove into Calgary to go see a movie, eat, and go to the volleyball games. We ended up doing all of them, just not in that order! We got lost, so we stopped and ate, then went to the volleyball games, we went to a movie with myself, Jon and Becky. It was pretty good, and thought provoking.

Today was just busy. Sunday school this morning was pretty adlib, because I finished the material last week, and forgot that I'd done that, so I had to pull a quick one and form a lesson on the spot. We ended up talking about Luke 14, where Jesus is at a Pharisee's house, and ultimately about putting yourself last. Worked out pretty well.

Afternoon involved Open Dorms, so I went up to Bethany's room to take a look at some pictures, play UFO (or XCOM as she calls it), and throw a ball at each other. It was good times. And then Fusion tonight!

Things that I've learned? Girls are fun and confusing at the same time. Lord of War is a thought provoking movie, but I don't think I'd want to see it again. Always plan your lessons ahead of time. And phoning is very important in youth ministry! Gotta have that contact. Guess what I'm doing this next week? If you guessed phoning, go eat some skittles!

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